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Mobile Website Design

Your Website Designs Are Now The New Generation

While the use of mobile devices was not sufficient in our country at the beginning of the 2000s, it gained great momentum after 2008 and the mobile interface started to be used more than the desktop view on websites.
Today, the use of mobile sites, which has reached 90% in many sectors, has become a necessity.

Mobile Site Design

We design smart mobile sites that can adjust themselves to many screen types on your mobile website and all other web-based projects.

Responsive Website

When you decide to have a new website, it is a must for search engines and consumers today that your website is compatible with tablets and smartphones.Many users who use mobile devices increase the page bounce rate by logging out because they cannot find what they are looking for easily on websites that do not have a mobile interface.In order for the user to have easy access to what he is looking for on mobile devices with small screens, it is essential to have an easy to use interface.Responsive web sites have the feature of sizing according to the user's screen, and they are preferred by search engines for display and provide easy access for users

Your Website Designs Are Now The New Generation

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