Micro website are one page website consisting of images, videos and content related to the promotion of one or more products or services that belong to you.We develop your onepage sites in the most efficient way by researching some search engine opportunities that are not seen by your competitors, as well as applications designed with the content of the product or service you want to highlight, where customers can easily convey their demands.
Apart from ready-made templates, you can do effective marketing with onepage website designs that are specially designed for your product, suitable for your colors, and created with planning to increase purchasing. In Yaprak website design, it is important not only that the design is specific to your product or service, but that potential customers can easily convey their demands.
Many companies may have more than one onepage site in the following processes in onapage site (micro site) applications. We are developing advanced management panels where you can easily track orders coming from onepage sites from a single panel, and direct your orders from multiple micro websites to different departments if you want.
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