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Our Mailing Service and E-Mail Template Design

Take a Low Cost and Effective Step in Email Marketing.

Male Server Service

It is easy to advance in education and inform about your leftovers via e-mail so that you can learn by private e-mail. You can remove the cleanup target for the bulk email mail.

To achieve success in mass mailing!
The most frequently asked question by those who are thinking of sending mass mail is "My mails will definitely reach inbox, right?", "Do you guarantee inbox?" etc. There is no company that guarantees this situation in Turkey and in the world yet. Because the mail servers of the people you send to (Yandex, Hotmail, Gmail, Outlook etc.) look at some criteria while accepting these mails. They all have different policies. However, if you pay attention to our suggestions below, you can see that success can be achieved.

Information 1; Make your e-mails from the same IP. Sending your mails from the same IP address all the time is important for IP reputation. The servers you send mail to give you points. Increasing this score gradually is important for your posts to fall into the inbox.
Information 2; Stay away from actions that will lower your IP reputation. Mail service providers look at various points other than the e-mail content you send. These points determine that your mail will go to the spam folder or inbox. For example, if there are spam traps in the list you send to, and if the people on the list you send to are reporting you, your IP reputation will decrease. Before your next campaign, you should prepare a detailed report and solve problems to identify these factors.
Information 3; Make sure the Unsubscribe link is visible and working. It is a legal requirement to have a working unsubscribe link in your campaigns. This link should definitely work and should be in a place where buyers can easily see it. When the buyer clicks on the link, he/she should definitely get the exact result. According to the New E-Commerce Law updated on May 1, a buyer who wants to leave the membership must be removed from the mailing list within 3 working days.
Information 4; Send your emails from a verified domain. A verified domain is the most effective way to protect your brand from scammers while helping you determine email domain ownership. A server set up with your own domain and SPF and PTR records made for this server are important steps to verify your domain identity. It eliminates your e-mail transportation problems in your submissions.
Information 5; Be sure to take into account buyer complaints. If a recipient marks the email you sent as spam or clicks the report button, you can get a report about it. You can then contact that buyer and have the problem resolved. For this, we recommend that you do a study on the triggered mail side. In addition, in the newly enacted e-commerce law, there is a clause regarding the termination of the newsletter subscription by considering the customer complaints within 3 working days.
Information 6; On which platform do recipients read your emails the most? Determining which platform your campaign is viewed on most provides a great advantage in your next submissions. For example, if your emails are mostly opened from mobile, you can focus on the mobile view and improve your design. This has a positive effect on your mail open rates.
Information 7; Send compatible mail to all devices. Email design today is more difficult than ever before. Because there are so many email examples and many designs. Among this diversity, the e-mail you send should stand out from the others and affect the recipient. In addition, your design should open smoothly on every device.
Information 8; Make sure all URLs are working. If the links in your campaign do not work, your post may go to the spam folder. For this reason, you should definitely check the link before sending and correct the wrong links.
Information 9; Segment your buyers based on their interests. Internet service providers examine your IP reputation as well as the content of the e-mails you send. It would be advantageous to examine the reports of opening, read, etc. mail in your delivery reports and to make your submissions accordingly. If the e-mails you send are opened and read, you will get a positive IP score. However, if your e-mail is deleted without being read and the complaint button is pressed, the opposite will happen. Therefore, if you make your posts according to your personal interests, you can observe how high the opening rates are. The high open rates also deliver your e-mails to the inbox.
Information 10; Do not buy a ready-made e-mail address database that does not belong to you. Study and categorize to create your own database. Personalize the emails you send.

Responsibilities for illegal content to be sent from the mailing server are included in the mailing service contract to be made with Treegroup.

Email Template Design

Mailing, which is one of the old but indispensable methods of advertisement, will increase your business efficiency by presenting your announcements such as innovations and campaigns to your customer portfolio in a professional way, seeing the contents in an enriched structure such as a web interface, not as text.

Email Template Design

E-mail template work is primarily designed in accordance with your concept, we design the original design works in accordance with your design approval, and after the work is coded with html / css software language, we publish it in the web environment so that the customer portfolio can see it in the best way. If you wish, we develop mail templates with a replaceable structure, or professional mail template designs for a monthly fee.

Mail Template Study

Apart from ready-made templates, you can do effective mailing and increase efficiency with the mail template specially designed for your business.

Your conversions are at a high level with Mailing and E-mail template work.

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